Ranked 1st in the UK for Teaching Quality (The Times and Sunday Times Good University Guide 2025)

Why study this course

Enhance your knowledge in sports and physical education within the community with SENDI.

Excellent placement and work-based learning opportunities help you build confidence and experience, whilst enhancing employability.

Be part of small class practical and workshop sessions across all levels of the programme.

You will be involved in delivery of real world, county wide projects working alongside external partners.

Course summary

The BA (Hons) Special Educational Needs, Disability and Inclusion (SENDI) and Sport joint programme provides you as a student with opportunities to study a balanced range of modules from both disciplines. In undertaking a joint programme, you develop in-depth knowledge and understanding which reflects your passion and interests in both subjects.

Please note - the intended start date for this course is September 2025. Register your interest in the course using the form below.

Key facts


BA (Hons)

UCAS code



4 years

Mode of study


Start date

September 2025


Bishop Grosseteste University

Institution code


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About this course

This degree combination explores the complexities of individual development in relation to social, psychological and physical growth. The programme builds your knowledge and understanding of learning in relation to both typical and atypical development exploring the value of sport and performance in facilitating holistic wellbeing. Sociological frameworks which create inequalities are contested and strategies to promote Inclusive practice are explored in depth.

This joint degree provides a range of career opportunities supported through studying these two complementary disciplines. Further study would enable a route into teaching or supportive environments such as health and sport settings. Students are also well placed to work within sport development, adventure education, physical education, health and fitness coaching, the Youth Service, Social Work, Mental Health services supporting those with additional needs.


What you will study

Students on this course currently study some or all of the following modules:

In this module you will explore and consider what it means to be a successful learner at university. You’ll explore the principles of effective learning and engage with a range of tools and techniques to practise and develop strategies for your own learning. These include for example, understanding your needs as a learner, effective time management and organisational skills.

You will learn about a range of resources and practise locating and using these resources to support effective learning. These resources will include, for example, textbooks, websites, academic journals, and popular press. In addition to these key techniques, the module covers academic conventions including referencing, citation and the risks of plagiarism.

This module will allow you to learn to utilise sources in a considered and critical way. You will begin to engage effectively with literature and other sources in a meaningful manner that promotes deep learning and enables knowledge and understanding of a topic. You will also begin to differentiate qualitative and quantitative data and consider their appropriate interpretation and use.

Critical thinking is an integral part of university study. While studying this module you will define critical thinking, its importance and how it can help you in your learning. A range of critical thinking models will be utilised to demonstrate how this works in action, allowing you to recognise critical thinking and identify barriers and challenges.

The skilled use of digital technologies is an important element in university study and is used to support both the obtaining and demonstration of knowledge. This module will develop your digital capabilities and confidence, encouraging you to develop techniques for the purposeful use of a range of digital tools to support learning. These include specific tools such as the Virtual Learning Environment and appropriate and effective uses of wider applications such as social media, email and the internet.

This module explores, compares and evaluates a range of communication types, giving you opportunities to combine written and spoken communication in a range of contexts and for a range of audiences. From a theoretical, sociological perspective you will explore different communication media and styles of discourse, for example, discussion, debate, enquiry and reporting.

Reflection is a powerful learning tool that enables you to consider your existing knowledge and also to plan for your future learning and professional development. The module content includes the principles of reflective learning and collaborative planning with reference to structured models.

Academic writing is an essential element of successful university study, so this module explores a range of techniques to help develop your own academic writing style. It will enable you to draw together your learning throughout the Foundation Year and reflect on the feedback you have received. You will structure a clear and effective piece of academic writing on a subject-linked topic in which you will apply standard academic conventions.

This module will introduce you to the field of Special Educational Needs and Inclusion (SENI). The module will look at educational and social models of disability within schools and across global and national levels of society. The impacts of competing perspectives and changing legislation will be discussed and critiqued. You will be expected to reflect upon your own experiences and perceptions of Special Educational Needs and Disabilities (SEND). The introduction and induction to study skills will be integral to this module including engagement with VLE.

This module will focus upon holistic approaches in education/care/social learning which enhance social, emotional, physical and cognitive development. Consideration will be given to how related theory informs approaches and their significance in meeting individual needs. You will critically analyse collaborative practice (e.g., parents, professionals) in supporting holistic approaches. Competing and complementary psychological and behavourist theories (e.g., Piaget, Bruner, Kolb, Maslow) and social learning frameworks (e.g. Freire, Dewey, Steiner) will be explored. You will compare holistic approaches with more traditional approaches to development and learning, deepening their understanding of the relationship between theories and practice. Discussion and analysis of how children and Young people are supported in current practice will be undertaken including reflection upon the value of multi-agency/stakeholder collaboration.

This module sets out to combine an academic study of the relations between sport, education and society, with a pragmatic desire to explore sport in formal and informal learning environments. It will promote inquiry into the implications of the curriculum for teaching and learning of sport and will begin to develop required skills and knowledge of appropriate teaching strategies in preparation for further development. Teaching and learning will proceed by way of interactive lectures, practical work, tutorials and seminars. These will introduce key concepts and develop your understanding of sport in education. Practical activities and tutor-led workshops will provide opportunities for you to observe and assist in teaching and learning of sport. A number of directed tasks are incorporated, including data collection, independent reading, presentation and discussion. Online support and discussion through the VLE will be available and shared reflection will be encouraged through your contribution to a blog. The syllabus will include a study of the nature of sport in education and will provide an introduction to the application of Physical Education (PE) in a variety of educational settings. You will be introduced to key issues in PE such as inclusion, assessment, cross-curricular learning, citizenship and lifelong learning. Sport will be placed in context of the National Curriculum for PE and you will examine real case studies of how sport education has been used in both primary and secondary PE. You will also have the opportunity to explore and develop knowledge and understanding of strategies aimed at making the sport experience positive and meaningful to all individuals.

This module will provide you with an overview of the influence of physical activity on health and wellbeing in young people. The module will explore the main cultural, political and ethical issues surrounding physical activity and will introduce methods of promoting physical activity to young people. Tutor-led workshops both in the Sports Hall and Human Performance Lab (HPL) will introduce and develop the varied practical and analytical skills required to complete the module successfully. A number of directed tasks are incorporated, including data collection, independent reading, use of VLE, presentation and discussion. The syllabus will explore current research on physical activity and young people in the UK and will examine current and previous levels of physical activity. You will gain theoretical and practical understanding of the physical, social and psychological benefits of physical activity for young people. In particular this module sets out to identify how young people develop their self-identities and how they accept or reject physical activity and sport in this process. Through investigating physical activity prescriptions, levels and key exercise interventions you will gain a breadth and depth of understanding of the barriers young people face towards exercise and physical activity.

This module will further develop your knowledge and understanding of pedagogical approaches and skills and apply them to the teaching and learning of PE and sport. It will further explore issues related to the National Curriculum for the teaching and learning of sport. It will provide opportunities for you to acquire and apply knowledge of the principles and concepts of motor skill learning and performance. There will be opportunities to implement and evaluate a wide range of PE and sport related teaching resources and strategies. You will also have the opportunity to develop research and analytical skills in the selection of appropriate PE material and techniques for use in learning environments. The syllabus will include lesson planning, practical organisation, inclusion and differentiation in the physical environment, pedagogical approaches. These themes are explored through various physical activities and practical workshops. You will develop a detailed knowledge of the major theories and practice of teaching and learning through sport and PE. It aims to introduce a range of teaching strategies, which can be used in PE and coaching contexts, providing the opportunity for you to create an appropriate teaching environment for learners to acquire physical, emotional and social skills. You will be introduced to the principles of motor skill learning and related theories and how to apply the concepts of motor learning and performance to real-world settings of teaching and coaching. You will be required to identify relevant teaching and learning practices that will develop pupil knowledge and understanding of the activities in accordance with the National Curriculum in primary and secondary schools.

The syllabus will introduce and examine the concept of adapted physical activity and sport. It will develop understanding of related terminologies and present the laws affecting the rights of individuals with disabilities within the context of physical activity and sport opportunities. Predominant disabilities will be identified within a physical activity context. Factors that influence the development of a sport and recreation programme for individuals with disabilities will be considered. Current opportunities for individuals with disabilities to participate in physical activity and sport will be discussed and specific strategies for coaching and teaching individuals with disabilities will be highlighted. Tutor-led workshops both in the Human Performance Lab, sports hall and fitness suite will introduce and develop the varied practical and analytical skills required to complete the module successfully. You will be provided with opportunities to enhance your professional development by transferring the theoretical knowledge you develop in lectures to a practical situation where you will plan, initiate and participate in sporting activities that meet the needs of individuals with disabilities

This module will investigate effective ways of promoting interest, participation and performance in sport. You will develop a critical understanding of theoretical and vocationally relevant issues for sports development in contemporary society. You will broaden your knowledge and understanding through working with a variety of guest speakers, in order to compare contrasting theories, viewpoints and complex arguments. An optional field visit will play a helpful role in understanding current practice in leadership and working with diverse populations. The syllabus will include an introduction to the historical development and promotion of sport and exercise in the UK. You will learn about the theories of sports development and will explore and evaluate policies that guide its direction. Leadership within local authorities, governing bodies and voluntary organisations will be examined alongside the practicalities of policy implementation at a national, regional and local level. You will investigate current development and promotional projects operated by organisations such as the Sport England, Active Lincolnshire, Youth Sport Trust and Lincoln City Council. This module will provide many opportunities for debate, analysis and enquiry, with you appraising the sports development continuum and evaluating the role of sports development and leadership at an individual, group and community level.

This module will build and expand upon issues considered in Level 4 module, From Excluded to Included: A Century of Change. You will critically consider effective practice in a range of diverse settings and demonstrate increased knowledge and understanding of how individual needs are met. This module will also extend understanding of ideologies with reference to human rights of inclusion. Exploration and consideration of differing international practices will be undertaken. You will examine a range of diverse needs, considering cause and impact upon learning supported by up to 48 hours placement. By the end of the module, you will be able to reflect upon the impact of legislation and practice in meeting the learning needs of a range of disabilities. This module will contribute to an understanding of leading and managing (Level 6).

This module will enable you to understand and critically examine differing theoretical perspectives and methodological approaches to qualitative and quantitative research. You will be introduced to a range of research methods used within, but not exclusive to, the Social Sciences, primarily focusing on research in SENDI. You will develop skills in collecting, analysing and treating data. You will identify different research methods and develop skills in applying these methods for your future independent study.

This module provides you with an experience of conducting a systematic review with consideration towards informing your own practice and understanding of a workplace environment. This module is deliberately structured in an open-ended way to allow a project focus to be developed which is most suited to your potential future career. Working with your appointed tutor, drawing on shared and individually sourced resources, you will be supported in identifying an appropriate placement project which will enable you to meet the learning outcomes. This will enable you to gain valuable experience of conducting an applied research project that may hold relevance to real-life work-related situation which captures the challenges and uncertainties of the workplace environment. You may be working in groups, pairs or individually if appropriate to the project.

This module explores a range of issues encountered by learners at different stages of their educational journey and critiques policy in meeting needs. It examines differences, which some children or adults may experience in their learning, which has been interrupted through medical or social causation and labelled as SEND. Two main themes run through the module which are consideration of individual needs and the reality of provision supporting these needs. The module will also explore the impact of sociological changes upon learning, for example cultural changes in relation to new arrivals to the country, both at the level of the individual learner and the wider issues for the family. You will consider the learning environment and the assessment of individual learner needs and the role of the wider stakeholder groups including parents and carers in maximizing learner participation in the educational process. You will explore reports and guidance in order to appreciate the role of evidence and its application within the learning environment.

The module aims to develop your understanding of the emotional nature of sports work and the underlying normative practices and actions that are developed in sports workers relationships and practices. The taught session content will draw upon key sociological and educational theory and concepts and empirical studies to make sense of emotional display, emotion management and emotional wellbeing, impression management and micro-politics in sport and physical education related roles. The module content will inform and align with module tasks and assessment. You will be actively engaged in learning through a social inquiry approach via the identification, exploration and reflection upon emotional practices, experiences and actions across a range of sports and physical education roles. Teaching will adopt a combination of lectures, seminars, tutorials and practical sessions. Assessment will adopt a case study approach.

This module will draw contemporary knowledge of sport, coaching and physical education together and relate issues to current practice. It is designed to enable you to develop critically informed opinions on contemporary issues. The syllabus will include a study of the contemporary social, cultural, political and ethical issues in sport and physical education. You will select research issues which may include for example debates surrounding notions of ‘policy’, ‘inclusion’, ‘deviance’ ‘equity’ and ‘identity’ in relation to sport, coaching and physical education. The focus of the module will vary according to changing issues in the sporting world. Building on critical studies in other modules, you will be given the opportunity to explore, research, discuss and critically evaluate a particular contemporary issue from within your chosen theme.

This module will consider a range of factors, which can often impact upon learning and may potentially go unnoticed. You will consider different impacts of psychological, social and emotional disruption upon learning. This will range from prejudices, global and local social exclusion to mental well-being and academic progress. By the end of the module, you will recognise how a range of issues can affect individual learning needs and understand how different support networks and interventions can enable positive learning and life experiences for those who face hidden inequalities. You will be encouraged to engage in determining the content of the module.

This module will enable you to develop further knowledge of how to conduct effective measurement techniques. The module will build on concepts and issues introduced elsewhere in the course and will involve you in the measurement and evaluation of a number of parameters of kinanthropometry in a laboratory setting. You will be provided with opportunities to work in groups to develop further competence in a range of anthropometric techniques. You will also be asked to carry out an independent practical assessment, which will require demonstration of competence in a range of kinanthropometric assessment techniques. The syllabus will begin by exploring both the qualitative and quantitative research paradigm and will enable you to develop further knowledge of how to conduct proper measurement techniques. The module will involve you in the measurement of a number of parameters of kinanthropometry in a laboratory setting. By analysing different types of human size, shape, proportion and composition you will be able to apply physiological and psychological principles to practical situations ranging from exercising for health to physical training for enhanced athletic performance. You will have opportunities to work in groups and will explore a range of methods to examine the reliability and validity of a specific measurement protocol or technique. The overall aim of the module is to equip you with practical skills that enable independent enquiry and analysis.

This module will give you the experience of designing, carrying out a research project, and writing a dissertation, in an area of sport, coaching or physical education. You will gain transferable and practical skills relevant to conducting data collection and analysis of a research project. You will select you research project topics with staff during the second semester of your second year. Each student is allocated a supervisory tutor within the School. Supervisory sessions will cover the identification of a research question; necessary elements of research design; the approach needed to prepare for and complete the research project; a range of appropriate research methods; appropriate statistical analyses; the structure of the research report; the interpretation of the research results; possible or probable conclusions; and the writing of the report. You keep a diary of the research process which logs meetings with supervisor and agreed outcomes. The syllabus will focus on equipping you to undertake an ethically approved research project. During the module you will follow your methodology, carrying out data collection before performing the analysis and discussion of results, resulting in a sustained piece of work. The analysis of results must be detailed and coherent and the discussion should compare findings to other recent and current research. It is undertaken with minimum guidance from the supervisor and will require the exercise of initiative and personal responsibility. It will provide an understanding of the significance and limitations of theory and research as well as enabling you to have the ability to articulate your own preferred learning styles and strategies and actively manage your development to organise an effective work pattern including working to deadlines. It offers you the chance to embark upon your own specialist academic interests and in some cases to make an original contribution to current academic debate.

This module introduces you to spectrums and kaleidoscopes of complex needs and disabilities and their affects upon learning and behaviour. You will have the opportunity to explore in depth the autistic spectrum disorder (ASD) and develop knowledge and understanding of current thinking, policy, approaches and strategies to supporting individuals with complex needs in education and social settings. The module explores the relationship between autism, neurodiversity and its co-existence with other disabilities. Much like a kaleidoscope, the presentation of comorbidity differs between individuals and you will gain further insights into environmental and external factors which complicate learning trajectories at different stages of development. You will be encouraged to demonstrate a critical knowledge, and understanding of the complexity of autism, reflect and compare national and international research and practice.

This module introduces you to a critical evaluation of issues associated with the leadership and management of policy and practice in SEND and inclusion. The syllabus will include the principles of educational leadership and management with emphasis on the roles and responsibilities of professionals in schools and other educational settings in relation to provision for SEND/Inclusion (e.g., headteacher, SENDCO, class teacher, special needs support assistants). Consideration will be given to the role of the SENDCO and the national Standards for SENDCOs and implementation of the Special Needs Code of Practice(2015). Other key issues introduced will be cultural, contextual nature of being a leader and the importance of inter, and intrapersonal skills in creating change. Consideration will be given to the emotional impacts in roles of leader and follower and, how this is enacted at different levels across society. By the end of the module, you will demonstrate the ability to reflect on your own abilities to support and/or drive organisational change and policy implementation at a level appropriate for those completing an undergraduate degree programme.

The module will equip you with transferable and practical skills required for conducting ethical research suited to a range of pedagogical and professional settings e.g., education, social care, health and social work. Lectures and seminars will focus on the nature of educational and social research, including undertaking ethical research; research paradigms; research methods and design; the use of literature in guiding and informing research; and the presentation, interpretation and communication of findings. This module will require you to select and devise a capstone project in relation to Inclusion and/or Special Educational Needs and Disability (SEND) using one of the following designs: 1-Primary research (you will define a specific research problem and devise a research plan to collect and analyse primary data); 2-Secondary research (you will define a research problem and devise a plan to collect and analyse secondary data); 3-Creative project (you will provide an evidence-based rationale for a creative project that is designed to support learning, inclusion or wellbeing of an individual or group with SEND. Examples include writing literature; designing a game; designing a workshop); 4-Community/Work-based project (you will propose an evidence-based activity that is designed for a community or work-based setting and that elicits new information about a problem, or is designed to support learning, practice, or inclusion in community or work-based setting. Examples may include service evaluation; professional development; training to colleagues or service-users, developing online learning resource).

This module requires you to implement, evaluate and present your chosen research-informed project on the topic of Inclusion or Special Educational Needs and Disability. You will practice and develop the research skills introduced in previous modules, applying them in a more independent manner, and in line with ethical research practice. You will use your research skills to either 1-collect and analyse primary or secondary data to answer a research problem; or 2-to implement and evaluate a practical creative or work-based project. You will deepen your knowledge of SENDI and offer insights, through the construction of substantial enquiry, into a contemporary contested concept. There is no formal syllabus for this module, but you will be invited to attend taught sessions as offered. You will proactively manage the development of your conceptual ideas and related arguments, to present your work in a manner suited to your individual project e.g., traditional dissertation, a multimedia presentation and a mini viva or other. There is no placement associated with the module, however, you may arrange your own visits to professional settings to implement projects and gather data, if appropriate.

Entry requirements

Application for this course is via UCAS, although there is no formal requirement for UCAS points to access the course (normally GCSE English or equivalent is desirable). As part of your application you will have the opportunity to speak with a member of BGU Admissions staff to resolve any questions or queries you may have.

Different degree subjects may have specific entry requirements to allow you to progress from the Foundation Year. Whilst not a condition of entry onto the Foundation Year, you will need to have met these by the time you complete the first year of this four year course.

How you will be taught

There is no one-size-fits-all method of teaching at BGU – we shape our methods to suit each subject and each group, combining the best aspects of traditional university teaching with innovative techniques to promote student participation and interactivity.


Your first year in SENDI is important. We know that you will need time to settle into university and build up your academic skills and so, we will give you detailed feedback on how you are doing and set your targets to improve your work. We use a wide range of different types of assessment throughout the course, including coursework portfolios, group discussions, multimedia technology presentations and individual projects, as well as essays and a timed assessment (year 3). You may even have the opportunity to get your dissertation research work published!

In Sport, we use a variety of imaginative approaches to assessment that enable you to utilise your strengths. Over the course of your studies, you could expect your assessment to include presentations, multimedia reports, displays, portfolios, individual research projects, essays, exams and work in the Human Performance Laboratory. We recognise that individuals come from a wide range of backgrounds and experiences, and accordingly use a wide range of assessment strategies. You can expect to be guided and supported carefully in your first year, gradually becoming more independent as the course progresses.

Careers & Further study

Special Educational Needs, Disability & Inclusion

You will be supported throughout your study by opportunities to explore different career aspirations, working with our specialist team at BGFutures. Guest speakers share their professional experiences which can open new ideas for you. Progression has included graduate employment, teaching, social work, creative therapies, speech and language therapy, senior education managers and residential care. Progression to further study at Master’s level is a further choice. This degree offers a range of possibilities which we are happy to discuss with you at any time.


In Sport, we prepare you for a broad range of sport-related jobs in such areas as sports development, adventure education, physical activity and health, sports coaching, fitness and recreation industry, school sports coordination, armed forces, youth work and postgraduate research.

By the end of the course, you will have developed a range of practical and transferable skills that are underpinned by excellent subject knowledge, meaning you will be well-prepared for your chosen future career. In the past our graduates have begun careers as sports coaches, personal trainers, as physical education teachers (primary and secondary), in the field of youth work or within sports development.

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