Elaine Johnson, recent graduate on the MA in Social & Cultural History course and now Visiting Tutor at Bishop Grosseteste University (BGU), has had her research published in the latest issue of East Midlands History & Heritage magazine.

Elaine’s article, 'Perspectives from the provincial press: A Lincolnshire view of women’s suffrage', explores the role of Lincolnshire women in the suffrage movement of the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries:

“I originally started my research when involved in the Vote100 activities organised at BGU last year. I was fascinated by the stories and histories that I uncovered and was keen to share them. The positive response I’ve received to the article has been very rewarding and it was especially flattering to be contacted by the Lincoln Mayor’s Officer who asked to have several copies for council members, as the article explores some of the history of the City’s first female mayor”.

Elaine, currently a visiting tutor delivering an undergraduate module on local history at BGU, graduated from the MA in Social & Cultural History course last year and feels that her time on the course was key in preparing her for producing independent research of a publishable quality:

“The high standard of teaching and training on the MA in Social and Cultural History prepared me well for subsequent part-time employment as an historical researcher and speaker. During the course, the flexibility of the assignment briefs within each of the modules enabled me to develop personal research interests, supported by experienced, professional guidance from the tutors.”

Speaking following the article’s publication Dr Claire Hubbard-Hall, Programme Leader for Military History and History Postgraduate Study at BGU, praised Elaine’s achievements along with the skills she crafted as a BGU student:

“This publication is a fantastic achievement as Elaine has managed to successfully carve her research path, exploring the lives of Lincolnshire women, from the female trainee teachers of Lincoln Diocesan Training College for School Mistresses to the Lincolnshire lassies who fought for female suffrage. Undertaking a master’s degree builds on essential skills such as time management, self-discipline and those all-important independent research skills. Students are challenged by the postgraduate learning environment, and Elaine is an excellent example of how our students train for independent research.”

You can read Elaine’s full article here (www.eastmidlandshistory.org.uk/magazine-issue-9/) or by picking up a copy of East Midlands History & Heritage from the BGU Library or History department.

The MA in Social & Cultural History at BGU offers postgraduates the opportunity to acquire a specialism, deepening their knowledge of social and cultural history. BGU students are trained to mine the historical records in new and novel ways so that they can appreciate, for example, what it was like to walk in the shoes of those who lived during the Victorian period or contributed to the war effort during both world wars.

If you are interested in studying history at BGU, visit our website or contact our Enquiries Team for more information on both the MA in Social & Cultural History and our further range of history courses including BA (Hons) in History a selection of joint honours BA History degrees and our new BA (Hons) in Military History.

7th November 2019

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