In Lincolnshire, young people are less likely to go into higher education than in other areas of the country despite similar GCSE results. LiNCHigher works across Lincolnshire as part of the National Collaborative Outreach Programme (NCOP), funded by the Office for Students (OfS), to change this.

It brings together Bishop Grosseteste University and the University of Lincoln with 45 schools, colleges and other local organisations to give inspiration, increase aspiration and support young people in years 9-13 to plan their future education.

The #ThinkBIG afternoon aims to highlight the significant difference parents and carers can make in taking a more active role in their child's education.

All family members are welcome for the afternoon (maximum 5 people per family). We also encourage families to come along and take advantage of our free carvery dinner, soft drink and access to the children's soft play area after the event.

There will also be a chance to collect a free goodie bag and enter our prize draw.

LiNCHigher staff are delighted to welcome along a number of key speakers who will be attending the afternoon:

  • Gogglebox star Baasit Siddiqui
    • The former secondary school teacher joined Channel Four's Gogglebox back in 2013 and supports young people and provides words of wisdom to students regarding careers in teaching, ICT, business and computer science.
  • Think2Speak founder Lizzie Jordan
    • Over a decade ago, Lizzie became a mother, a widow and HIV positive all within an 18-month period. She has accomplished a substantial amount over the years, including being interviewed by Stephen Fry for his BBC documentary ‘Stephen Fry: HIV & Me’, appearing on BBC breakfast and has featured in The Guardian, The Observer and The Mirror among others.
  • Former youth England footballer turned motivational speaker, Luke Staton
    • Luke has worked with thousands of young people over the last few years where he motivates them to help release their potential.

Tickets are free of charge and can be picked up on our Eventbrite page.

There is currently a maximum of five tickets per order, however any queries please email or call 01522 563 830.

15th February 2019

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