Following the release of this year’s National Student Survey (NSS) results Bishop Grosseteste University (BGU) is pleased to have again received high satisfaction levels from its graduating students.

Seeing the overwhelming majority of our student body engaging with the NSS this year has been immensely satisfying and we’d like to thank our students for providing valuable feedback to us on the issues that are important to them.

Creating an environment where students feel that they can not only make their voices heard but be an active part of developing their university experience is a key element of our drive for excellence.

Dr Rob Boast, Executive Dean Learning, Teaching & Student Engagement, is leading this collaborative partnership between staff and students and is excited to see where it can take BGU in the future:

“At BGU we are dedicated to placing the student voice at the heart of what we do so it is fantastic to see our efforts reflected in the increasing satisfaction scores. For areas such as ‘Student Voice’ and ‘Learning Community’ BGU has outperformed the average for the sector. The NSS provides an excellent opportunity for us to evolve and improve as an institution and we look forward to further engaging with our students on their experiences so that together we can continue creating a positive and rewarding learning environment.”

BGU also saw increased scores in a number of other areas including ‘Academic Support’ and ‘Assessment & Feedback’, which was also above the average for the sector.

For BGU Deputy Vice-Chancellor, Professor Scott Fleming, these areas of increased satisfaction also demonstrate the value of the challenge laid down by the NSS to universities:

“Following previous surveys we introduced a number of new initiatives to increase satisfaction in our academic support and feedback so it is incredibly rewarding to see that work receiving a positive response from our students.

However it is important that we, along with all our fellow universities, see the NSS as a challenge to keep striving for consistently high satisfaction across the entire student experience and continuously improve as an institution rather than an opportunity to rest on the success of specific areas.

We are committed to ensuring our students enjoy a level of quality throughout their time with us and I look forward to seeing what we, working in partnership with our students, can continue to accomplish over the next five years of our new University Strategy”.

To find out how you can become a part of BGU’s collaborative learning community you can visit our website, speak to a member of our Enquiries Team or join us on one of our Open Days.

4th July 2019

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