The Bishop Grosseteste University (BGU) community came together for the 4th annual University Mental Health Day (UMHD) promoting positive mental health with the help of bouncy castles, sumo suits and an array of exotic creatures.
Organised by Bishop Grosseteste Students’ Union and the Centre for Enhancement in Learning and Teaching the day aimed to help the BGU community relax and find opportunities to improve their mental wellbeing. Activities across the day included visits from armadillos, skunks and meerkats, bouncy castles, sumo suits and group knitting.
Abigail Rogers, BGSU Manager, explained why the SU team were utilising such unusual activities to combat mental health issues:
“We are passionate about removing the stigmas around mental health support to get more people talking. Activities like our mental health day are a perfect way to do this as they take the pressure off discussing our wellbeing and show those needing support that they are not alone. Over the last few years we’ve seen UMHD have a really positive impact and I’m excited to keep running more in the future”
For more information on the work and activities carried out by BGSU visit their website.
If you are struggling or are worried about your mental wellbeing, our Student Advice, Chaplaincy, and Student Union Teams are here to offer impartial and confidential support at all times. You can also find confidential support through Mind and Samaritans (available 24/7).
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