Are YOU an employer?
- Would YOU like a FREE Training Needs Analysis and Action Plan that will help your business to grow and develop?
- Would YOU like to access fully-funded workforce training now?
The Specialist Skills Advisor Programme has industry specialists working with training providers and FE colleges to fill skills gaps within existing training provision and support the development of new training courses where needed. It will support your business to identify and find solutions to training needs, for the growth and sustainability of your company.
- A FREE business-specific training needs analysis
- An impartial, tailor made, training needs action plan
- Expert advice from industry specialists
- Introduction to low cost local training providers and F.E. Colleges
- Help to understand the range of relevant training and educational courses available
- Guidance on accessing potential funding for training & skills
Here at Bishop Grosseteste University (BGU), we want business in Greater Lincolnshire to thrive, and we know that an appropriately trained workforce is vital to the success of this.
We have Business Skills Advisors with industry expertise in your area, who can complete a FREE Training Needs Analysis of your business, with the key purpose of identifying if there are any particular skills gaps in industry sectors overall.
If skills gaps are found, then then BGU will work with FE Colleges/Training providers to fill these, and create new courses where required. This means that long-term, there will be a better correlation between the course-content of FE Colleges/Training providers and an appropriately skilled workforce – meaning that your future employees will come from training, ready for the work place.
If you’d like to participate in the Specialist Skills Advisor Programme, the short-term benefits to you as a business include a FREE detailed Training Needs Analysis and action plan. We will support you to understand what relevant training courses are available, and we’ll give guidance on how you can access funding for training and skills. All of these will help your business to grow and develop immediately and in the future.
The emphasis of this project is to ensure that training courses are relevant to the workforce, so that Greater Lincolnshire thrives economically, via an appropriately skilled and trained workforce. We need YOUR help as a business to identify any skills gaps in existing education and training, and in return we’ll help you to fill these gaps with courses or create training courses where required, so that your workforce is skilled and this will enable your business to thrive and excel.