What can enhancing my Academic Literacies do for me?

By enhancing your Academic Literacies you will develop:

  • Criticality – an ability to understand, interpret, evaluate and respond individually to a range of perspectives and ideas and use this to become competent in forming discussions and arguments.
  • Academic communication – an ability to employ an objective and appropriate voice in your academic writing and speaking and to communicate ideas in a clear and concise manner.
  • Academic integrity – an ability to perform research and incorporate the ideas of others into your work adhering to academic conventions and ethics.
  • Independent learning – understanding and taking responsibility for your own learning goals and knowing when to seek assistance.

What opportunities are there for me to improve my Academic Literacies?

  1. Attending Live and Learn with CELT workshops.
  2. Attending one-to-one support with Learning Development Tutors as needed.
  3. Participating in skills workshops as part of your course.
  4. Engaging with the Handbook for Written Coursework.
  5. Making use of Learning Development Blackboard resources.
  6. Attending Learning Development events for example, Destination: Dissertation.
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Explore other Graduate Attributes

Global Citizenship

Global Citizenship

Your place in the world.

Information Literacy

Information Literacy

Find and evaluate information effectively

Digital fluencies

Digital Fluencies

Navigate digital spaces confidently.