Dr Adam Hounslow-Eyre

Dr Adam Hounslow-Eyre joined BGU in 2012 having previously worked as a primary school teacher and headteacher in Derbyshire. Adam has a wealth of experience working in small and semi-rural schools with mixed age classes. Adam completed his PhD studies in political philosophy at the University of Hull. Adam acted as East Midlands Regional Coordinator for the Cambridge Primary Review Trust until the Trust’s transition into the Chartered College of Teachers (CCoT) in 2017. He is an accredited trainer for the Critical Skills Programme (that supports teachers in developing problem based learning (PBL) curricula) and is a local Barefoot computing advocate and trainer. Teaching Adam primarily teaches on the undergraduate education studies degree, leading, co-leading and contributing to a number of modules. He leads a Master's module, regularly contributing to MA weekends; Adam also supports the School of Teacher Development in its delivery of its Mentoring and Coaching course to teachers from Partnership Schools.

Adam’s research interests are in complexity theory and the call for ‘research based’ educational practice. He also researches the impact of digital technology and computing in schools (most recently working with regional partners in an EEF funded initiative).

Reaching the ‘hard to reach’ through early childhood care and education: Documenting innovative pedagogical approaches. British Education Research Association (2017) with Dr E Pearson R U into A R? Augmented Reality in Primary School. Derbyshire Computing Conference (2017) The limits of explanation and prediction in educational research: the ‘wicked problem’ of complex adaptive systems. Teacher Education Advancement Network (TEAN) Conference (2015) Educational Entrepreneurship: market mechanisms, system leadership and the philosophical ‘Nature’ of the problem. TEAN Conference (2014)

Guidance for ITT mentors: Coaching and mentoring. In Paige, R., Lambert, S. and Geeson, R. (2017) Building Skills for Effective Primary Teaching. London: Sage. Distinctive Features of Teaching and Learning in Small Primary Schools with Mixed Age Classes (2014) CfBT, Kyra and BGU as Research Consultant