BGSU President Connor Short recently attended the 2023 Lead and Change Conference at Roehampton University in London. From August 1st to 3rd, representatives from Students' Union's across the country enjoyed a unique opportunity to connect, learn, and prepare for the challenges of the upcoming academic year.

Officer Teams were able to engage with counterparts from various universities and delve into the pressing issues affecting their respective student populations, gaining valuable insights and sharing ideas.

Connor attended NUS-led seminars exploring issues of welfare, cost of living, gender equality and representation.

He said: "Lead and Change provides student leaders like myself with the opportunity to meet delegates from all over the UK, to learn, develop, and grow our provision for supporting students.

"While there, I had the chance to grow a network of like-minded student leaders, each eager to develop their institution and influence legislation to the betterment of students. This annual event was a perfect opportunity to put BGU and its students on the national stage, advocating for what we believe in."

8th September 2023

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