How the MOVE project helped one woman achieve her goals.

The MOVE project is an ESF and Big Lottery funded project and Bishop Grosseteste University (BGU) is one of 24 partners across Lincolnshire. The project aims to work with people who have been out of work for a long time or who are economically inactive.

The project began in 2016 and the first participant was Mandy. Mandy came to the project after many years of unemployment and ill health; she had ideas about what she wanted for her future but no idea about how to get there or if she could.

Mandy’s background had involved a difficult childhood and involvement in drug misuse. When she came on to the project she was very anxious and a little bit afraid of what would happen next.

Thankfully, she was able to put her trust in the team at BG Futures and with their ongoing support and structured inputs, she was able to make progress. These inputs included in-depth careers advice and guidance to help explore and develop career aims, psychometric tests to identify work strengths and abilities, life coaching to deal with social anxiety and ongoing regular support.

They were also able to find her a suitable volunteering placement with Addaction and Mandy has been volunteering with the Amy Winehouse Foundation for 18 months. This involves going into secondary school in Lincolnshire to help educate young people about drugs and their effects.

Through her time on the MOVE project Mandy has added to her qualifications and studied an Access course at Lincoln College, ultimately applying to BGU and securing a place to study for a degree in Health and Social Care. A year and 10 months after starting her MOVE journey, in September 2018, Mandy enrolled at BGU. She is now well into her first year, enjoying the course and even the challenge of assignments.

Not all MOVE participants end up in Higher Education. The point of the project is to help people to identify and achieve their goals towards employment and learning through a tailored one: one approach that helps with self-confidence, motivation and wellbeing alongside employability skills and goal setting.

Seeking support from MOVE is voluntary and therefore will not impact any benefit claim and there is also the opportunity for financial help to cover expenses including child care, respite care and travel. If you want to find out more for yourself or for someone you know: contact the MOVE team on 01522 583900 or email

16th November 2018

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