Please note that all documents and forms in this page are in PDF format unless specified otherwise.
For our policies, procedures, regulations & forms relating to operations, please click here.
- Code of Practice for the Assessment of Students (Amended July 2019)
- Code of Practice for the Annual Monitoring of Academic Programmes
- Code of Practice for Collaborative Provision (amended March 2023)
- Code of Practice for the Periodic Review of Academic Provision
- Guidance on Rounding
- Guidance on Marking and Moderation
- Procedures Governing the Administration and Conduct of Examinations
- Procedure for the Issue of Duplicate Certificates or Transcripts
- Application for a Duplicate Academic Transcript/Diploma Supplement (Word only)
- Application for a Duplicate Degree/Professional Qualification Certificate (Word only)
- Assignment Extension Request Form
- Code of Practice for Anonymous Marking (Revised August 2024)
- Code of Practice for Changes to Validated Programmes (Revised August 2024)
- Code of Practice for the Conduct of Board of Examiners (Revised July 2024)
- Code of Practice for External Examining (revised July 2024)
- Code of Practice for Flexible and Distributed Learning (Revised August 2024)
- Code of Practice for the Validation of Programmes (Revised August 2024)
- Code of Practice for Work-Based Learning (Revised August 2024)
- Student Attendance, Engagement & Absence Policy (Revised August 2024)
- Extenuating Circumstances Request Form
- Code of Practice on Academic Appeals (Revised July 2019)
- Safeguarding Children and at-risk Adults Policy (Revised July 2024)
- Code of Practice for Students with Access Needs (Revised March 2018)
- Code of Practice for Extenuating Circumstances (Reviewed March 2020)
- Code of Practice for Support of Study
- Professional Suitability Policy
- Student Disciplinary Procedure (Revised October 2023)
- Student Personal Development Plans Notes of Guidance (Revised June 2021)
- Processing Complaints (Non-Student) Policy & Procedure (Revised August 2024)
- Code of Practice for Academic Misconduct (Revised July 2024)
- Code of Practice for Students' Personal Development Plans (Revised July 2024)
- Notes of Guidance - Student Personal Development Plans (Revised July 2024)
- Processing Complaints (By Students) Policy & Procedure (Revised July 2024)
- Appeals Policy for externally awarded qualifications (Reviewed June 2023)
- Apprenticeship and Externally Awarded Qualification Registration and Certification Policy (Reviewed June 2023)
- Assessment and Internal Verification Policy for Externally Awarded Qualifications (Reviewed June 2023)
- Assessment Malpractice and Maladministration Policy for Externally Awarded Qualifications (Reviewed June 2023)
- Code of Practice – Recognition of Prior Learning for Externally Awarded Qualifications (Reviewed June 2023)
- Conflict of Interest Statement for Externally Awarded Qualifications (Reviewed June 2023)
- Procedure for complaints in relation to externally awarded qualifications and apprenticeships (Reviewed June 2023)
- Minor Awards Regulations (amended July 2019)
- Regulations for the Award of Foundation and Honours Degrees (from September 2009)
- Regulations for the Award of Foundation and Honours Degrees (from September 2015)
- Regulations for the Award of Foundation and Honours Degrees (from September 2017)
- Supplement to the Regulations for the Award of Honours Degrees and Foundation Degrees – For BA (Hons) Business Team Entrepreneurship
- Supplement to the Regulations for the Award of Honours Degrees and Foundation Degrees (from September 2017)
- Supplementary Regulations for Awards of pGDE and PGDE
- Supplement to the Regulations for Undergraduate Awards for Programmes with a Foundation Year
- Regulations for PGCE Programmes (from September 2014)
- Regulations for PGCE Programmes (from September 2015)
- Regulations for Research Degree Programmes (from September 2024)
- Regulations for Taught Master's (from September 2013)
- Regulations for Taught Master's (from September 2015)
- Regulations for Taught Master's (from September 2018)
- Regulations for Undergraduate Awards (Amended July 2019) (for students enrolling from September 2018 onwards)
- Regulations for Postgraduate and Professional Graduate Certificate in Education (for students enrolling from September 2021)
- University Awards and Credit Framework (Revised July 2021)
- Regulations for Undergraduate Awards (for Students Enrolling from September 2018)
- Force Majeure Emergency Regulations
- Supplement to the Regulations for Undergraduate Awards for Programmes with a Foundation Year (for programmes starting 2020)
- Guidance on Rounding
- Supplementary Regulations for recommending the award of Qualified Teacher Status (for students starting in September 2021)
- Code of Conduct for Doctoral Research (from September 2024)
- Code of Practice for Research Excellence Framework 2021
- Open Access Publications Policy
- Consent Form Template (Word only)
- Research Ethics Policy (Amended March 2022)
- Procedure for Seeking Research Ethics Approval (revised Sept 2024)
- Participant Information Sheet Template (Word only)
- Research Ethics Application Form (Word only)
- Data Collection Statement for Research Excellence Framework 2021