The Centre for Enhancement in Learning and Teaching (CELT) is dedicated to developing teaching and learning across Bishop Grosseteste University. CELT is comprised of staff working in Learning Development, Digital Learning and Student Engagement. We can advise staff and students in a number of ways including the following:

Staff at CELT work closely with colleagues across the University to help meet students’ expectations and provide appropriate learning resources. CELT collaborates extensively with the Faculty as well as other student facing services to promote a welcoming and communal place to study.

Learning Development

The Learning Development team focus primarily on enhancing the student experience. Tutors within Learning Development can offer advice and guidance to students with their academic literacies and study skills. Students can choose to access this service through one-to-one appointments, group workshops or by downloading our bespoke study skills resources from Blackboard. Learning Development advice and guidance is also available to staff to enhance their skills supporting students’ academic progress.

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Digital Learning

The Digital Learning Team promotes technology-led learning and digital literacies through the BGU Digital Capabilities Framework. Students can become independent learners using Blackboard, our Virtual Learning Environment. CELT’s dedicated digital learning staff can provide advice and guidance on how to incorporate technologies into the teaching and learning environment.

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Student Engagement

The Student Engagement Facilitator works with staff and students to improve the student experience at Bishop Grosseteste University. Students are encouraged to become equal and active partners in our learning community and run autonomous projects which reflect the student voice. CELT is currently running a number of innovative projects as part of the wider Students Creating Change Framework.

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Staff Development

CELT offers a programme of events and conferences for academic staff designed to enhance professional practice. Staff are encouraged to engage with staff development events. The current programme and materials from past events can be found via the Staff Development area of the CELT Blackboard site. CELT delivers the Bishop Grosseteste University PGCHE. This recently introduced qualification has been accredited by Advance HE and confers FHEA upon completion. CELT also delivers the internal HEA recognition scheme (DELTA) which confers Associate Fellow, Fellow or Senior Fellow on successful completion.

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Graduate Attributes

Bishop Grosseteste University is committed to enhancing students’ employability prospects. CELT is pivotal in driving forward the development of those graduate skills necessary for students entering the job market.

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Student Wellbeing

Find out more about the help available on campus by downloading our Wellbeing Map.



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