A programme specification is a concise description of the intended aims and learning outcomes of a programme of study, detail of how these outcomes can be achieved and demonstrated, and further information including the mode and duration of study, programme-specific regulations and the structure of the programme. They are written for the benefit of:

  • prospective and current students, to provide details additional to those on the Study at BGU page;
  • academic and administrative staff, to provide an outline of how the programme is structured (into a cohesive whole).

They can also be useful as a supplement to the transcript for former students. Programme specifications are published for programmes on which students are currently enrolled; previous programme specifications may be available on request, please email the Quality team.

Programme specifications are published annually and therefore represent the course structure for each specific academic year of entry. See also: Bishop Grosseteste University's Academic Regulations Governing Taught Qualifications.

Please note that programme specifications relate to the course content that is currently being studied at the University. Where it is necessary to withdraw or alter programmes or key parts of programmes at any time, for example, amendments to module titles or module lists, consultation with offer holders and/or students enrolled on the programmes will be undertaken prior to implementation of the changes.