Two colleagues from Bishop Grosseteste University in Lincoln will be using pedal power to raise money for the university’s Foundation Fund this weekend.

Accommodation Officer Rachel Crane and Leanne Chancellor, Executive Assistant to the Deputy Vice Chancellor, will take part in the London Nightrider – a 100km moonlit overnight cycle ride through the centre of London on Saturday 6th and Sunday 7th June 2015.

Around 4,500 cyclists will raise more than £2 million for charity in one night and take in over 50 famous landmarks, including Tower Bridge, Canary Wharf, Piccadilly Circus, Trafalgar Square, the Royal Opera House and the London Eye.

Rachel and Leanne will be raising money for the BG Foundation Fund, which provides funds for projects which the university would not normally be able to support through its core funding.

“I had the original idea as I’m a runner and wanted to challenge my fitness further,” said Rachel.

“I asked my friend and colleague, Leanne, if she wanted to join me, and as she was looking for her first challenge she agreed – although she actually thought I meant the London Moonwalk!”

Rachel and Leanne can be found in the university gym most lunchtimes and they began training for the event in September last year.

The ride will begin at 10.35pm at the Lee Valley Velodrome, Queen Elizabeth Olympic Park in East London and after following a circular route in and out of the city will finish back at the Lee Valley Velodrome.

If you would like to sponsor the pair please visit their JustGiving page.

5th June 2015