Bishop Grosseteste University recently held a creative writing competition, asking members of the BGU community to write a love letter to the University. The competition marked the end of a year of celebrations for the University's 160th birthday.

Some of the entries received offered words of affection directly to the university in the form of a traditional poem, some mapped the poet's journey through their BGU experience, and some took a more comical, freeform approach. But all were insightful, personal accounts of their relationship with the university.

But there could only be one winner, and that was Lucetta Crosskill, whose work was commended for its nostalgic recollection of the poet's experience at BGU. The poem captures the emotions and challenges of starting a new chapter in life, and the sense of belonging that comes from finding a welcoming community. It was found to be a heartwarming reflection on the transformative power of education and the impact of a supportive community.

The winner received a special valentines day gift as a prize. A book containing all the submissions has been created and placed in the University archives and a copy has been sent to those who entered.

Read Lucetta's poem below.

Dear BGU,

The letter read ‘you are invited to an interview’

Excited, nervous, apprehensive…my feelings – just a few.

On entering the Maths department, the welcome, and the smiles.

Out of the Uni’s, I had visited, this was the best by miles.

‘I did it!’ When I received the letter, I had got a place.

Surprise, amazement and ‘oh my goodness’ overcame my face.

It was a Sunday, in September, back in 1999,

I arrived at BG with my bags, looking for my room sign.

Unpacking my bags, in my lonely, bare room, I thought what have I done?

Living with a load of strangers, would it be awful or fun?

As I got used to my surroundings and found my way around,

The historic BG buildings, and new friends, I excitedly found.

The hard work very quickly started, but I knew it was for me,

The library, the learning, the lectures… I loved everything at BG.

Early morning teaching practice very soon started.

Grimsby, Scunthorpe, Mansfield, Lincoln… 6.45am we departed.

In my time within these schools, so much that I did learn,

My very own class, my end goal…was what I did yearn.

My mentors - they were the very best…Mrs Morley and Miss Emery too.

Lifelong friends I have gained and into the role of the teacher I grew.

Lincoln became my second home, in halls and houses I resided.

But often jumping on the train to visit home, I decided.

A new tradition in my life, the Market each December,

And now I take my children there and share things I remember.

As I wore my gown and mortarboard in 2003,

I knew that in my heart one day, back at BG I’d be.

It wasn’t long before I decided to do another degree.

There was only one place, to do my MA…back at BG.

Whilst teaching full-time, it was September in 2005,

Excitedly, I prepared myself and at BG I did arrive.

A challenge, but at home and school I was very well supported.

I knew the hard work would be worth it and I’d be rewarded.

Without a shadow of a doubt, completing my Masters at BG,

Was, within my teaching and learning career, one of the proudest moments for me.

So thank you BG to you all, in my life you have played a huge part.

Memories, learning, staff, and my friends - you are always in my heart.

17th March 2023

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