What are First Aiders for Mental Health at BGU?
These individuals are trained to spot the signs of mental ill health and provide initial support to staff, encouraging a workplace culture where mental health can be discussed openly. They are also identifiable by gold lanyards.
You can read a full description and role breakdown of a First Aider for Mental Health in the downloadable document below:
First Aiders for Mental Health at BGU.
Meet your First Aiders for Mental Health at BGU!
Victoria Burrows - victoria.burrows@bishopg.ac.uk
Jane Fletcher - jane.fletcher@bishopg.ac.uk
Nicola Smith - nicola.smith@bishopg.ac.uk
Stefanie Bennett - stefanie.bennett@bishopg.ac.uk
John Herbert - john.herbert@bishopg.ac.uk
Emma Rogers - emma.rogers@bishopg.ac.uk
Zoe Nye - zoe.nye@bishopg.ac.uk
Lisa Clifton - lisa.clifton@bishopg.ac.uk
Kieran Wiseman - kieran.wiseman@bishopg.ac.uk
Dr Jamila Hussain - jamila.hussain@bishopg.ac.uk
Connor Short - connor.jshort@bishopg.ac.uk
Rachel Linstead - rachel.linstead@bishopg.ac.uk
Rebecca Crooks - rebecca.crooks@bishopg.ac.uk
Andrew Dickenson - andrew.dickenson@bishopg.ac.uk
Louise Connolly - louise.connolly@bishopg.ac.uk
Hannah Grenham - hannah.grenham@bishopg.ac.uk
Nadine Chapman - nadine.chapman@bishopg.ac.uk
Paul Brenham-Foster - paul.brenham@bishopg.ac.uk
Adam Hounslow Eyre - adam.hounslow-eyre@bishopg.ac.uk
Abigail Savage - abigail.savage@bishopg.ac.uk
How to contact a First Aider for Mental Health
- Choose one of the colleagues in the list above and send an initial email requesting a meeting between you both.
- Depending on how urgently you need to speak with someone, you may need to contact another colleague if your preferred contact is unavailable.
- Depending on both your availability and preferred method of meeting up, a time and a place will be organised.
- The meeting will be judgement-free as BGU First Aiders for Mental Health are here to listen and support.
- They will provide any support and information, including professional support they feel you may need. This may include useful contact information where you can speak with someone directly.
Any information discussed in these meetings is CONFIDENTIAL and will not be disclosed to other parties outside of speaking with a BGU First Aider for Mental Health. If the first aider believes there is a safeguarding issue, they will acquire permission from the individual to share information for the benefit of their wellbeing.
Emergency contact information
If your mental health needs require emergency attention or you feel a BGU First Aider for Mental Health meeting wouldn't be appropriate, please see the following information and contacts:
- Samaritans – call for free on 116 123 / email jo@samaritans.org
- Call your GP and ask for an emergency appointment
- Call 111 out of hours
- Lincolnshire Partnership NHS Foundation Trust (LPFT) - 0800 001 4331 or text 'SHOUT' to 85258
- Childline (children and young people under 19) - 0800 1111 – the number will not show up on your phone bill
- Campaign Against Living Miserably (CALM) (for men) - 0800 58 58 58 (5pm to midnight every day)
- Papyrus (people under 35) - 0800 068 41 41 (M-F 9am-10pm, weekends and bank holidays 2pm-10pm) / text 07860 039967 / pat@papyrus-uk.org
- If you have seriously harmed yourself CALL 999 for an ambulance or go straight to A&E. Or, ask someone else to do this for you
- If it's safe to do so and you're comfortable, speak with a family member or a friend