Projects Overview
Successful Erasmus+ Bid: International teacher trainee well-being project (Emma, Shaun, Phil, Aimee):
Student Teacher Well-Being: Deepening Understanding and Building Support. Bid amount: 178,000 euro confirmed in August 2020
Successful British Academy Bid (Phil, Emma; and Aimee as research assistant) Looking at Newly Qualified Teachers in 2020/21 cohort and impact of COVID-19 on their training and NQT experiences. Bid amount: £9650 confirmed in August.
International survey of student well-being and health coordinated by The University of Antwerp
"Wellbeing of students in times of COVID-19". The survey focusses on the impact of the COVID-19 outbreak on the student population in higher education and a multi-country design is used to enable assessment the impact of country-specific contexts (COVID-19 policies, university policies, etc.). BGU are part of the UK team, working with Birmingham City University. 55 universities are involved across the globe, in 28 countries.
All data has now been collected and analysis is in progress with an aim to get a paper out on initial findings by end of 2020 in line with other publications from the main research group.
Recent Publications
2020 Paper:
Journal of Comparative and International Higher Education (Shaun, Emma, Aimee and Jonathan Glazzard)
BERA blog published on PGCE well-being: (Aimee, Emma and Shaun)