Paul Brenham-Foster

Paul is a graduate of the University of North Wales, Bangor and has taught in Primary Education for over 20 years, specialising in Early Years Education. Before becoming a full time member of the Academic Staff at BGU, he was seconded to the University from Derbyshire’s largest Nursery and Infant School, where he was a member of the Senior Management Team, Foundation Co-ordinator and Nursery Teacher, overseeing a department of 16 teaching staff and teaching assistants and over 200 foundation stage children. In February 2014, Paul was identified by OFSTED as an outstanding teacher, leader and manager.

Previously, Paul was Assistant Headteacher of a Derby City School which became one of the first full service extended schools and part of the pilot of Sure Start Children’s Centres which was purpose built onto the school. Paul played a lead management role in setting up the provision including breakfast and after school clubs, daycare and holiday playschemes and this lead to involvement with Derby Children’s University and Paul was one of the original staff who set this up, allowing children to gain accreditation for their Out of Hours Learning, writing and delivering custom course content.

Paul was involved in developing the role of Teaching Assistants as remodelling the workforce was introduced as part of his role as a School Governor. He has been involved with delivering training seminars and conferences for local authorities on Out of Hours Learning, Ensuring Outstanding Early Years Provision, Computing and New Technologies and was part of the Inner London Whiteboard Project in 2004.

Although Paul has taught throughout the primary phase as a specialist in computing and new technologies, his passion is within Early Years, working with aspects such as physical literacy, drama and developing early imagination skills.

As part of his management role within Early Years, Paul has been involved in moderation and training events as part of a cluster of Nursery and Infant schools and a Foundation Stage External Moderator. Paul has a long history of ITT, previously being on the Academic Board of Derby University for its Graduate Teacher Program and being a School Based Mentor for both Derby and Nottingham Trent Universities.

Paul holds the Level 3 Award for Forest Schools and teaches this across the Primary Programmes and completed his MA dissertation on The Forest School Approach and Children’s Progress, Mental Health and Wellbeing. This is an area Paul would like to take further as part of his EdD journey. The MA research has been presented at local and national conference events and also as part of Masterclasses as a visiting tutor to some of the University partner 6th form colleges.


Paul is the Cohort Leader for the PCGE 3-7 programme and teaches across the range of Primary Programmes at BGU for Early Years, Computing, Phonics, Drama, Design and Technology and he is the University Forest School Guru! He also supervises students on school placements as a University Based Mentor. Paul is a member of the following Academic Subject Specialist Teams:

  • Early Years
  • Early Years Assessment
  • English – Drama
  • English - Phonics
  • Computing and New Technologies

Paul is the lead for the Primary Assessment Only route for candidates who can demonstrate they are meeting the Teacher’s Standards in order to be awarded QTS.

He also delivers part of the Mentoring and Coaching Training Days for school based mentors in the University Partnership and this has recently been adapted as part of the University and Armed Forces Covenant seeing the training delivered to the RAF and Officers of Lincolnshire based Red Arrows Team.

New Technologies Consultant for TTS (Technology Teaching Systems) which includes evaluating current technology, product development and design for new school resources such as LogBox, the Multi-Award winning Beebot and writing teacher materials for the ‘Focus on Beebot’ educational software.

In 2019, Paul began working as part of a long term British Council funded research team investigating trainee mobility with BGU and Hengyang Normal University in Hunan Province, China. This includes regular visits and exchanges with trainees as part of their global and cultural enrichment experience.