Professor Andrew Jackson
Andrew Jackson is Executive Dean of Research and Knowledge Exchange at BGU, and Professor of Local, Regional and Landscape History. Andrew joined the staff of Bishop Grosseteste University in 2007, following ten years at the University of Exeter.
The main focus of Andrew’s research includes twentieth-century local, regional, and landscape change in rural and urban contexts, and especially in Lincolnshire and Devon. Professor Jackson also engages in public history and heritage projects, supervises doctoral students, and contributes to undergraduate and postgraduate taught programmes in History.
Professor Jackson’s academic background is in history and geography, with interests extending into literature and art history. Andrew is a member of various historical societies, and regularly gives talks to local groups.
Current and previous research projects include:
- Bernard Samuel Gilbert (1882–1927), Lincolnshire poet, playwright, novelist, and critic
- Lucien Pissarro (1863-1944), French impressionist and English landscape artist
- The 2020 COVID-19 and 1918-19 'Spanish Flu' pandemics and provincial-press media reporting
- The history and heritage of the Lincolnshire Cooperative Society since 1862
- The Ermine: the history of heritage of Lincoln’s mid-twentieth-century council estates
- ‘Celebrating women’s football: past and present’ in Lincoln and beyond
- Marking the centenary of ‘Vote 100: A Lincolnshire view of women’s suffrage’
2024, Rural England Through War and Peace: The Literary Work of Lincolnshire’s Bernard Samuel Gilbert, 1882–1927 (Lincoln, History of Lincolnshire, Society for Lincolnshire History and Archaeology, forthcoming.
Articles and Blogs
2023, ‘Reassessing Devon’s early twentieth-century landscape art: the Camden Town Group painters’, Transactions of the Devonshire Association, 155, 123-30.
2022, 'Six views of the Devon landscape: the Camden Town Group of artists in Devon, c. 1910-40', The Devon Historian, 92, 50-8.
2022, ‘Robert Bevan’s (1865-1925) ‘”A Devonshire Valley”, Numbers 1 and 2, c. 1913’, Devonshire & Cornwall Notes & Queries, 63, 1, 19-20.
2022, ‘The Brighton artist who went green: Robert Bevan’s landscapes’, Research Blog, Brighton: Royal Pavillion Museums, 24 February.
2022, ‘Seeing double: “A Devonshire valley”, versions 1 and 2, by Robert Polhill Bevan’, Research Blog, Exeter: Royal Albert Memorial Museum and Art Gallery, 16 February.
2022, ‘How green is my county? Robert Bevan’s paintings of Devon’, Research Blog, Plymouth: The Box, City Art Gallery and Museum, 23 January.
2020, ‘A tale of two pandemics: how provincial media have risen to the challenge of COVID-19’, LSE COVID-19 Blog, 10 December.
2020, ‘Conceptualising place in historical fact and creative fiction: rural communities and regional landscapes in Bernard Samuel Gilbert’s ‘Old England’, c. 1910-1920’, Rural History, 31/2, 195-209.
2020, ‘Local historians: #CoronavirusUK needs you! Lifelong learning and community history’, UALL News, 28 May.
2020, ‘Provincial newspapers, sports reporting and the origins, rise and fall of women’s football: Lincolnshire, 1880s-1940s’, Midland History, 45, 2, 244-57.
2020, ‘Public history, flu pandemics and the provincial media in 1918 and 2020’, Social History Society Exchange, 6 April.
2020, ‘Researching the “Spanish” Influenza Epidemic 1918-19:Local and Regional Newspapers’, Ten-Minute Talk series, British Association for Local History.
2020, ‘The legacy of pandemics in the community: 1918 and1920’, History Workshop Online, 16 May.
2020, ‘Writing a Coronavirus pandemic newspaper column: creating retrospective and prospective community and public histories’, in Midgelow, V. (ed.) Doing arts research in a pandemic: a crowd-sourced document responding to the challenges arising from Covid-19, London: The Culture Capital Exchange, pp. 6-7.
2019, ‘1918: the perspectives of a Lincolnshire Home Front Poet’, East Midlands History & Heritage, 8, 27-9. [view article]
2018, ‘TEF, REF, and KEF; and the “research-informed” teaching and co-production traditions in local history: indexing and analysing provincial newspapers’, International Journal of Regional and Local History, 13, 1, 68-85, [view article].
2017, ‘On improving Ilfracombe, 1860-1: the fortunes of Bright’s Intelligencer’, Devon & Cornwall Notes & Queries, 64, forthcoming. With Arran Hart, Tracey Jones and Rachel Maxey.
2016, ‘1915-1916: the perspectives of a Lincolnshire Home Front Poet’, East Midlands History, 4, 6-7.
2016, ‘The cooperative movement and the education of working men and women: provision by a local society in Lincoln, England, 1861-1914’, International Labor and Working Class History, 90, 2, 28-51 [view article]
2016, ‘Climate change, local historians and public history’, Local History News, 121, 18-9.
2016, ‘The early twentieth-century countryside of Bernard Samuel Gilbert: Lincolnshire poet, novelist, playwright, pamphleteer and correspondent, 1911-14’, Midland History, 22, 2, 224-39. [view article]
2015, ‘Cultural conflict in Ilfracombe: fern-collecting, and the Cottage Garden Society’s prize-giving controversy of 1860’, The Devon Historian, 84, 117-25. With Arran Hart, Tracey Jones and Rachel Maxey.
2015, ‘The history and heritage of Lincoln’s council estates: local history and “critical” public history in practice’, The Local Historian, 45, 2, 115-25.
2015, ‘Civic identity, municipal governance and provincial newspapers: the Lincoln of Bernard Gilbert, poet, critic and “booster”, 1914’, Urban History, 42, 1, 113-29. [view article]
2014, ‘Lincoln on the eve of war: the observations of Bernard Gilbert in the Lincolnshire Echo during 1914′, Lincolnshire Past & Present, 95, 3-5.
2014, ‘On the weather, in Bright’s Intelligencer, Ilfracombe’s Newspaper for 1860-1’, Devon & Cornwall Notes & Queries, 61, 5, 131-4. With Arran Hart, Tracey Jones and Rachel Maxey.
2014, ‘The Ermine News, 1957-65: understanding a Lincoln council estate through a neighbourhood newspaper’, The Lincoln Enquirer, 26, 9-11.
2014, ‘The Lincoln of Bernard Gilbert, poet and critic, 1914’, The Lincolnshire Poacher, Spring, 35-7.
2013, ‘Read all about it! Ermine News – the Ermine estate’s community newspaper, 1957-1965’, Lincolnshire Past & Present, 92, 19-22.
2012, ‘150 years of history: on using the digitised, open-access archive of the Lincolnshire Cooperative’, Lincolnshire Past & Present, 89, 9-10.
2012, ‘The “open-closed” settlement model and the interdisciplinary formulations of Dennis Mills: conceptualising local rural change’, Rural History, 23, 2, 121-36.
2012, ‘On the preconditions for council-estate building in Lincoln: some contemporary observations by Bernard Gilbert’, The Lincoln Enquirer, 6-8.
2012, ‘Approaching the local history of the twentieth century: problems and possibilities’, Local History News, 102, 12-3.
2010, ‘Researching and writing local histories of the twentieth century: an introduction’, International Journal of Regional and Local Studies, 6, 2, pp. 7-15.
2010, ‘Problems and practice in “community-focused” local history: on the Ermine, a council estate in 1950s and ’60s Lincoln’, International Journal of Regional and Local Studies, 6, 2, 48-71.
2010, ‘Provincial newspapers and the development of local communities: the creation of a seaside resort newspaper for Ilfracombe, Devon, 1860-1’, Family and Community History, 13, 2, 101-13.
2009, ‘Decline and survival – in and of local history’, Local History News, 90, 9-10.
2008 ‘Devon History Online: Brights Intelligencer – a year in the life of Ilfracombe, 1860-1, Devon & Cornwall Notes & Queries, 90, 4, 104-12.
2008, ‘Harold Fox (1948-2007): Devon and Leicester; landscape and locality’, The Devon Historian, 76, 2-5; with Robert Higham and Robin Stanes.
2008, ‘Local history and local history education in the early twenty-first century: organisational and intellectual challenges’, The Local Historian, 38, 4, 266-73.
2008, ‘Local and regional history as heritage: the heritage process and conceptualising the purpose and practice of local historians’ International Journal of Heritage Studies, 14, 4, 362-79.
2007, ‘An EPE-like project in a Devon seaside town’, England’s Past for Everyone News, Summer, 3.
2007, ‘In search of an “England’s past for everyone” in Ilfracombe, Devon: a digital history and heritage project’, The Regional Historian, 17, 32-4.
2007, ‘On the centenary of the dormancy of the Devon Victoria County History (1906-2006), and new beginnings’, Devon and Cornwall Notes and Queries, 40, 1, 1-4.
2006, ‘Process and synthesis in the rethinking of local history: perspectives in essays for a county history society’, International Journal of Regional and Local Studies, 2, 2, 1, 5-19.
2006, ‘Published parish and community histories: a starting point in adult learning and the retheorising of local history’, The Local Historian, 36, 1, 42-50.
2006, ‘The Exeter experience: identifying a strategic vision for local history’, Bulletin of the Association of Local History Tutors, July, 2.
2005, ‘A future for academic local history? The Exeter experience’, Bulletin of the Association of Local History Tutors, October/November, 1.
2005, ‘A landed estate in mid-twentieth century Devon: insights from the 1941-3 National Farm Survey’, Family and Community History, 8, 11, 5-20.
2005, ‘On local history, history, heritage and The Devon Historian’, The Devon Historian, 70, 4-5.
Book chapters
2020, ‘Place in regional history and literature: the early-twentieth century England of Bernard Samuel Gilbert’, in Lord, E. and Amos, N. (eds) in Lord, E and Amor N(eds) Shaping the Past: Theme, Time and Place in Local History, Hatfield: UoHP, 193-200.
2020, ‘The provincial, local and regional press’, in Finkelstein, D. (ed) Edinburgh history of the British and Irish press, II: 1800-1900, Edinburgh: EUP.
2019, ‘The provincial press and local and regional life in the first half of the nineteenth century’, in Walker, A. (ed.) The Survey of Lincoln vol. 16. The Lincoln of George Boole, Lincoln: The Survey of Lincoln.
2018, ‘Co-operative House: The Society post-war and its Central Store’, in Walker, A. (ed.) The Survey of Lincoln, vol. 15. Shops and shopping, Lincoln: The Survey of Lincoln, pp. 64-7 [Second author, with Hazel Kent].
2017, ‘Council estate public houses’, in Walker, A. (ed.) The Survey of Lincoln, vol. 14. Lincoln public houses, Lincoln: The Survey of Lincoln, 68-71.
2016, ‘The Lincoln Cooperative Society and the Lower High Street’, in Walker, A. (ed.) The Survey of Lincoln, vol. 13. The Lower High Street, Lincoln: The Survey of Lincoln, 60-3 with Hazel Kent.
2015, ‘The Lincoln Cooperative Society, Silver St and Free School Lane’, Walker, A. (ed) The Survey of Lincoln, vol 12. Lincoln’s city centre: north of the River Witham, Lincoln: The Survey of Lincoln, 51-4.
2014, ‘The Hartsholme Housing Estate’ in Walker, A. (ed) The Survey of Lincoln, vol.10. Birchwood, Hartsholme and Swanpool: Lincoln’s South-Western Suburbs, Lincoln: The Survey of Lincoln, 50-3.
2013, ‘The Boultham Housing Estate’, in Walker, A. (ed.) The Survey of Lincoln, vol. 9. Boultham and Swallowbeck: Lincoln’s South-Western Suburbs, Lincoln; The Survey of Lincoln, 44-7.
2012, ‘The significance of the Devon country house: the end of the medieval and medieval revivalism’, in Turner, S. and Silvester, R. (eds) Life in medieval landscapes: people and places in medieval England, Oxford: Windgather, pp. 150-65.
2011, ‘Towards the late twentieth century and beyond: rural and urban change and the task of the historian’, in Brook, S., Walker, A. and Wheeler, R. (eds) Lincoln connections: aspects of city and county since 1700: a tribute to Dennis Mills, Lincoln: Society for Lincolnshire History and Archaeology, 136-43.
2010, ‘Twentieth-century residential: the St Giles Estate’, in Walker, A (ed.) The Survey of Lincoln, vol. 6. Uphill Lincoln II: The North-Eastern Suburbs, Lincoln: The Survey of Lincoln, 58-61.
2009, ‘Bishop Grosseteste University College Lincoln’, in Walker, A (ed.) The Survey of Lincoln vol. 5. Uphill Lincoln 1: Burton Road, Newport, and the Ermine Estate, Lincoln: The Survey of Lincoln, 33-8.
2009, ‘The development of the Ermine Estate in the 1950s and ’60s’, in Walker, A (ed.) The Survey of Lincoln, vol. 5. Uphill Lincoln 1: Burton Road, Newport, and the Ermine Estate, Lincoln: The Survey of Lincoln, 65-7.
Media articles
2020, ‘Thanks for allotments, gardens and green open spaces’, The Lincolnite, 5 June.
2020, ‘Hospitalisation, isolation and superstition across decades of pandemics’, The Lincolnite, 8 May.
2020, ‘Lockdown blues? Some pandemic poetry’, The Lincolnite, 22 April.
2020, ‘Pandemic stories and family memories’, The Lincolnite, 15 April.
2020, ‘Coping with pandemics, past and present’, The Lincolnite, 10 April.
2020, ‘How long do influenza pandemics normally last?’, The Lincolnite, 30 March.
2020, ‘Government influenza advice repeated 102 years on’, The Lincolnite, 24 March.
2020, ‘Rationing returns to Lincoln stores 106 years on’, The Lincolnite, 17 March.
2018, ‘Celebrating votes for women 100 years on’, The Lincolnite, 5 February. [view article]
2017, ‘Wonder at our marvellous, often messy, history at exhibition’, Lincolnshire Echo, 20 July, 46-7.
2017, ‘As long as I get me bit er land, an orse and an owd age pension’, Lincolnshire Echo, 8 June, 46-7.
2017, ‘Imps vs. Gunners over a century ago’, BG&You, 18, 41.
2017, ‘Lincoln City upsetting Arsenal? It’s been done before……twice!’, Non League Daily, 9 March.
2017, ‘They swaggered in like gods’, Lincolnshire Echo, 9 March, 46-7.
2017, ‘On this day: 1915, Lincoln City defeats Arsenal’, The Lincolnite, 6 March 2017 [view article]
2016, ‘Front line war poet who captured agony of war widows back home in Lincolnshire’, Lincolnshire Echo, 13 November.
2016, ‘Poet’s feel for the frontline’, Lincolnshire Echo, 10 November, 46-7.
2016, ‘1916 – A Lincolnshire poet’s view’, BG&You, 16, 47.
2016, ‘First World War poems invoke life on the land’, Lincolnshire Echo, 14 July, 36-7.
2016, ‘Just a piece of old wall?’, BG&You, 15, 26.
2016, ‘Revealed: the burial ground of Lincoln’s workhouse where 70 poor souls still lay hidden’, Lincolnshire Echo, 5 March.
2016, ‘Beyond the walls where poor souls still stir…’, Lincolnshire Echo, 3 March, 34-5.
2015, ‘The Germans here could shoot the head off a pin’, Nostalgia, Lincolnshire Echo, 13 August, 34-5
2015, ‘Wartime wife and Belgian farmer given poetic voice’, Nostalgia, Lincolnshire Echo, 12 March, 32-3.
2014, ‘How the sights and sounds of the city made an impression on one writer’, Features: Nostalgia, Lincolnshire Echo, 12 Jun, 60-1. With Tracey Jones.
2014, ‘Looking for leisure back in 1914’ Features: Nostalgia, Lincolnshire Echo, 26 Jun, 64-5. With Rachel Maxey.
2014, ‘Why our city’s municipal buildings were a delight for one urban critic’ Features: Nostalgia, Lincolnshire Echo, 5 Jun, 64-5. With Arran Hart.
2014, ‘Pre-war prose in 1914 still connects a century later’, BG&You, 8, 27-8.
2014, (ed.) ‘Visions of conflict’, in Lincolnshire Echo, ‘Lincolnshire’s role in the First World War’, Lincolnshire Nostalgia, edition 2, 3 April, 20-1.
2014, ‘What will the war be like?’, in (ed.) ‘Visions of conflict’, in Lincolnshire Echo, ‘Lincolnshire’s role in the First World War’ Lincolnshire Nostalgia, edition 2, 3 April, 20-1.
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