Aggi Doughty

Aggi Doughty is a Careers Advisor at BG Futures, a Lecturer on the Careers Development Professional Apprenticeship and a Module Leader for BA (Hons.) Sociology.

She is a Fellow of the HEA. Aggi gained an undergraduate degree in Drama from the University of Leeds and worked as an actor for five years, before gaining a Masters in Career Development from Nottingham Trent University and is currently considering a Phd by publication. Her research interests are around narrative in career journeys and sociological theories of employment, specifically in relation to gender and leadership.

Prior to joining BGU, Aggi held a portfolio of careers consultancy and teaching roles alongside leadership positions. Her experience is local and national in a wide variety of educational settings from alternative provision, to Independent secondary schools, to Higher Education Institutions.

She continues to work in practice as a Career Development Professional and is currently a Careers Leader for a local Academy, as well as a trustee for a national theatre company, Zest Theatre, who are based in Lincoln.