Looking to Kickstart your career?

We are working with businesses across the county to highlight vacancy opportunities through the Kickstart scheme.

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Got a question about the scheme? Use the FAQs below to make sure you've got all the information you need:

The Kickstart scheme is specifically designed for those aged between 16 and 24, who are currently claiming Universal Credit, and may be at risk of long-term unemployment. Graduates and recent school leavers may apply.

Kickstart is designed to help younger workers find employment during the pandemic; the government has launched a £2bn ‘Kickstart’ scheme – which will provide hundreds of thousands of new jobs to those in this age range of 16 to 24

Kickstart jobs are a form of work placements which are designed to help young people build up their skills and experience levels, and they can even lead to permanent jobs and /or apprenticeships in which qualifications can be achieved to set a young person onto a career path.

  • Length of contract: Kickstart placements can last for a period of up to six months depending on the need of the employer.
  • Working Hours: Kickstart placements also guarantee a minimum of 25 hrs per week (although some placements on offer are full-time),
  • Wages/Remuneration: Kickstart placements offer at least National Minimum Wage (NMW) which is age dependent – however, some Kickstart opportunities offer higher wages as your employer will be able to top-up your wage if they choose to do so

The government will cover 100% of minimum wage for young people placed in a Kickstart placement, up to a maximum of 25 hours per week. They’ll also cover National Insurance payments and any pension contributions. The employer also receives financial support of £1,500 to provide you with training, employability support, and things like uniforms, workwear and equipment – where relevant.

BGU is acting as a Kickstart Gateway organisation, and we recruit and support employers offering Kickstart vacancies

The Kickstart Scheme is being run by the DWP (Department for Work & Pensions), so your local Jobcentre will be able to run you through the specific criteria, and help you find out whether or not you’re eligible. You need to be claiming Universal Credit and be at risk of long-term unemployment. Speak to your Job Coach at DWP and mention any vacancies that are of interest, and they will assess if you meet the eligibility criteria and refer you to a suitable opportunity.

As the scheme is aimed at those at risk of long-term unemployment, who are currently receiving Universal Credit, furloughed workers will not be eligible to take part. However, if you are between the ages of 16 and 24, and lose your job due to the pandemic, then you may go on to meet the eligibility requirements. Your local Jobcentre Job Coach will be able to help talk you through this process.

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