International multi-award-winning writer thanks BGU for review
Canadian writer Jordan Scott, winner of awards across Germany, Japan, China, Holland and Italy, has contacted BGU to thank us for a review of his book that appeared in the March edition of our library newsletter, The Four Corners.
The review is by our PGCE English subject lead Dr Clare Lawrence and highlights the way his book I talk like a river addresses the issue of dysfluency, especially for pupils. “I’m a huge fan of classroom talk”, Clare confirms. “I stress to my PGCE students how discussions, debates, even disagreements are powerful elements of active learning. However, we must also be sensitive to the fact that for some pupils, speaking is not the most accessible form of communication”.

Associate Professor Clare Lawrence has a strong research interest in ’giving voice’ to those who are underheard or underrepresented. “It isn’t those who shout the loudest who always have the most to say”, she suggests. “Jordan Scott articulates so powerfully in his book the experience of living with a stutter. Ultimately, his communication is both stronger and richer for having to overcome a barrier”.
Jordan emailed the university to share his appreciation for what he described as a “gorgeous review”, adding, “I ever get around to visiting the UK I'll make sure to let you know”.
You can read Clare’s article on page 16 of Volume 5 Issue 1 of Four Corners, which can be accessed here.