“Howling at the Scrabbleboard”: Exploring Classroom Literature from an Autistic Viewpoint
This study explored classroom literature from the viewpoint of an autistic trainee English teacher. It discusses how lenses of perception can impact on emotional interaction with a text.
‘I can’t understand a word he says’: a personal exploration of autistic dysfluency in film.
A short film (available here)
created by an artist and a young autistic adult to try to give a
multi-media expression of the communicative challenges of an autistic
school pupil. The film has been used in teacher education, and feedback on this is reported here:
study: Can the draft film Broken support trainee teachers’ understanding
of autism communication issues in mainstream classrooms?
“I can be a role model for autistic pupils”: Investigating the voice of the autistic teacher
project articulates the perspective of one autistic trainee teacher as
he completed his teacher education and embarked on his professional life.
Collyer, E., Peart, S., Abdulrahman, H. K., Lawrence, C. and Mahon, C. (2022) Exploring the representation of Black autistic people in children’s picture books. BERA blog.
Lawrence, C. (2022) Dancing with the daffodils: using a Shared Reading approach to explore autistic identity. Good Autism Practice. ISSN 1466-2973 (In Press)
Lawrence, C. (2022) Who are the experts? Why autistic voices should be central to autism training in schools. BERA blog. (In Press
“Our Autism Resources Community Hub: a celebration”. Dr Clare Lawrence
“So where are the Black autistic children?” Dr Sheine Peart, Dr Hadiza Abdulrahman, Dr Clare Lawrence, Clare Mahon, Edward Collyer.