
What can you get funding for?

The University has four priority funding areas:

  • BGU clubs and societies
  • Innovative and creative local community projects
  • Volunteering at overseas projects
  • Developing evidence for the Graduate Attributes Excellence Award

For students, the fund focuses on providing a number of small grants to assist with expenses incurred when undertaking voluntary work or other innovative, creative, charitable or community-based projects both here in the UK or overseas.

For staff or group applications, the types of activities that can be supported include: student expenses associated with field trips, equipment that is hard to fund from central reserves, projects that are difficult to fund or a low priority for departments, but clearly enrich the student experience. Normally, grants are given to innovative or new work rather than activities that have been running for several years.

Each year the BGU Foundation Fund also commits to providing a £6000 grant to the BGSU sports societies to support costs associated with competitions.

How much can you get?

  • Students and alumni who apply can receive up to £500.
  • Staff applying for grants, to support activities that cannot be funded through the Universities main resources but clearly demonstrate enhancement to the student experience, can apply for funding up to £1000
  • Groups of students, clubs and societies can apply for grants of up to £1000

How to apply?


Click here for guidance for the BGU Foundation Fund.

Click here for the application form for societies and student groups.

Click here for the application form for individual students.

The Grant Awarding Panel meets three times a year to go through all applications and take into consideration the project, the quality of the application and the supporting evidence before making decisions. Applications can be submitted at any time but please note when each of the three rounds of funding close:


Funding Round 1

Drop-in information session:

Wednesday 16th October 2024

Deadline for applications:

Friday 1st November 2024

Committee Meeting date:

Wednesday 6th November 2024

Funding Round 2

Drop-in information session:

Wednesday 12th February 2025

Deadline for applications:

Wednesday 5th March 2025

Committee Meeting date:

Wednesday 12th March 2025

Funding Round 3

Drop-in Information session:

Wednesday 30th April 2025

Deadline for applications:

Wednesday 14th May 2025

Committee Meeting date:

Wednesday 21st May 2025

More information

If you would like more information about the BGU Foundation Fund or would like to discuss making an application please contact the Career Readiness Team on

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